Bacteria bring new meaning to “Drug Dependency”
Or worst, for those who are fighting Tuberculosis. According to an article posted by ScienceDaily.com, a new study shows that a strain of Tuberculosis actually thrives in individuals treated with rifampin. This same drug is used as treatment against Tuberculosis. In fact, according to MedlinePlus.com, a website run by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “rifampin eliminates bacteria that cause Tuberculosis”.
This strain has not only become resistant to the drug, but apparently, now requires the drug for its own survival. This same drug is a “first line” drug meaning that many doctors proscribe this drug first as part of a multi-drug treatment plan. The researchers say that this dependent strain is difficult to identify in patients. This could mean that rifampin could prove useless in the fight against tuberculosis forcing health care professionals and researchers to rethink their plan of attack against the disease.
ScienceDaily.com says that “The study…conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Chongqing Pulmonary Hospital, Lanzhou University and Fudan University, will appear in the January 2010 issue of The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.”
On a darker more demented note: check this out.
McDonalds France Leads the way
Wow! I'm so excited for France. I hope that the United States will follow suit. We are falling farther and farther behind countries when it comes to environmental responsibility and accountability. This could have disastrous effects, not just for our environment but our economy, world status, and well being.
Take a look at McDonald's USA's environmental responsibility standards here.
Read my letter to President and Vice President of McDonald's USA, urging them to follow in the footsteps of France.
Feel free to write your own letter! This truly is the future.
Ignorance should be illegal
The customer was so moved by the film (apparently) that he/she felt the need to express his/her views. I’m assuming that their “note” was meant to be read by the following patron to check out the video. The note read this:
“This DVD is for people who like Scary Science Fiction stories and/or have Reality Deficit Disorder. Most reputable scientists disagree with Gore. To see a list of thousands of scientists who disagree with Gore go to www.petitionproject .org. or for more information about global warming read Christopher Harner’s book “ the politically incorrect guide to global warming and environmentalism”.
First off, global warming is NOT Science Fiction, but Science Fact. There are numerous papers and studies that uphold this idea of human induced global warming. But none the less, I felt the need to humor the unknown patron and check out the website he/she provided me with.
The webpage proclaimed that “31,486 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhD’s”. This was the message below the website title. The petition was put in place to “demonstrate that the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming “consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climatologically damage is wrong”.
Well, if you have signatures from all of those “qualified individuals”, why ask non-qualified individuals to sign? What weight will their signatures carry?
I went further and found that the website touted an organization called Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. The ONLY evidence they provided was a paper published in a journal by this same organization. Just for some perspective, this same organization claims that “both official reports and the peer reviewed literature afford substantive grounds for doubting that HIV is the necessary and sufficient cause of AIDS and that antiretroviral treatment is unambiguously beneficial”(Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons V:12; N:4). Any "Medical" organization that does not believe that HIV causes AIDS should not be your "go to" organization for any information, let alone information regarding a topic completely unrelated to their so called "expertise".
Seriously, it should not be legal for groups like these to poison the minds of Americans.
A New Journey
After dinner A--- asked about the very loud buzzing and chirping sound we often hear coming from the trees around our house. I politely explained that it was the work of cicadas. Being the nerd that I am, I began to ramble on about the very interesting creatures. This prompted a short field trip to the tree in front of our house. I was really excited about finding a shedding from one on the base of the large pine to show him. We found three. Upon further investigation, I noticed the third was actually in the beginning stages of shedding. HOW EXCITING!!
We collected the specimen and brought it in to watch the shedding of its exoskeleton. It was really amazing! It took the little guy an estimated 20 minutes to complete his task of exiting his skeleton.
I decided that there must be more of them in the neighborhood molting, so we went hunting. Only found one more in the process and brought him in to compare. It was so very cool! I tried to get some footage of the act, but only caught the last 7 minutes. I will post some pictures!
Oh yeah! My National Association of Biology Teachers journal arrived today! What a day!
Leisurely Repudiating Creationism
In response to the call to action by PZ Meyers, I have ordered my creationist literature. Don’t worry; I’m not in the process of converting.
PZ has called for all his readers to take advantage of the free creationist literature recently advertized on Science Blogs all over the web. Read it… Go ahead… it will only poison your mind if you are a sucker. Then post on your blog, thoughts regarding this certainly highly speculative literature.
I think this will be a fun exercise and it will give me the opportunity to stretch my argumentative muscles, although, with subject matter such as this, it should not be too difficult.
I also decided to subscribe to their monthly propaganda entitled “Vertical Thought Magazine”. I’m sure they will publish all sorts interesting, no thought required, information.
Trip to the Great Dismal Swamp
The Great Dismal Swamp… what a horrible name for such a beautiful place. Today’s insect collecting escapades went well. Collected approximately 10 specimens in the short time we were there. Later we discovered that A--- had outdone himself in his collecting efforts.
Upon arrival home I noticed that A--- had several small black specks covering his feet and ankles. Further investigation proved that he had, indeed, collected more than his fair share.
I have yet to identify the hundreds of black specks covering his feet. I thought at first that they might be Chiggers. So, while A--- panicked over his unwanted tagalongs, I decided to do some detective work and see what I could come up with. This effort came to no avail.
I hope someone might be able to help me in my identification process. I believe these creatures too large to be chiggers, although I could be wrong. They can be seen with the naked eye, and under a magnifying glass they appear tick-like. My confusion lies in the fact that there were so many, at least 200 covering his feet and ankles. I haven’t heard of anyone finding this many ticks on them at one time. We were not walking through dense weeds or plants, so I wouldn’t expect to find anymore than a few ticks on either of us. We walked along the ditch on the access road, which was not overgrown. The grass came up, only, to our ankles.
Rather than let A--- continue to fret over the strange creatures attached to his body, I offered to help get them removed. First, I tried to use a wash cloth and scrub or wipe them away. This proved to be ineffective. The only method that worked well was tweezing them off one at a time. JOY! (Get out the specimen jars!! ) I collected approximately 100 and photographed them the best I could without a microscope.

Introducing me
This is my second attempt at writing a blog so please bare with me as I grow, both with my writing skills and knowledge. It is my hope that I can contribute to the plethora of knowledge circulating on the web and perhaps share my own perspective with the world. I also hope to meet other bloggers with intrests similar to mine. Please feel free to comment and leave feedback. It will be greatly appreciated!