
McDonalds France Leads the way

According the McDonald's France's Website they are going above and beyond the call to duty in regards to energy consumption. By January 1, 2010 100% of their restaurants will utilize 100% electrical energy from renewable sources according to McDonald's France.

Wow! I'm so excited for France. I hope that the United States will follow suit. We are falling farther and farther behind countries when it comes to environmental responsibility and accountability. This could have disastrous effects, not just for our environment but our economy, world status, and well being.

Take a look at McDonald's USA's environmental responsibility standards here.
Read my letter to President and Vice President of McDonald's USA, urging them to follow in the footsteps of France.

Feel free to write your own letter!  This truly is the future.
Don Thompson

President, McDonald's USA

Bob Langert
Vice President, McDonald’s USA

McDonald’s Corporation
2111 McDonald's Dr
Oak Brook, IL 60523

Mr. Don Thompson and Bob Langert,

I would like to applaud you and your company for your outspoken dedication to Corporate Responsibility. Being a former shift manager for the McDonald’s Corporation, I can confidently say that I have seen this dedication to responsibility first hand. Since working for McDonald’s I have been an outspoken proponent of McDonald’s business practices.

With that being said, I would like to bring your attention to a matter I discovered on the Corporate McDonalds website in France. On their website, they claim that “Au 1er Janvier, 2010, 100% des restaurants McDonald’s couvriront 100% de leurs consommations avec de l’electricite d’origine renouvelable.” They go on to say that “en renforcant son plan energie, McDonalds France veut dmontrer u’il es possibed faire reussir la processus de copenhague.” This statement claims that by January 1, 2010, 100% of McDonald’s restaurants will utilize electricity from a renewable origin. They [McDonalds] wish to demonstrate that it is possible to succeed…” It seems as if McDonalds France is dedicated to going above and beyond the requirements set by the government in regards to energy consumption and other environmental standards. Furthermore, it seems as if they are dedicated to leading this movement.

While I understand that some of this is driven by political policy, I would like to point out that they are going above and beyond what is required of them.

This provides a different perspective to consider the statement that “Corporate responsibility is a priority at McDonald's.” While McDonald’s USA seems to be dedicated to environmental responsibilities, this clearly sets a new bar. It is my belief that McDonalds USA’s progress to reduction in electrical energy use is far below this bar. I urge you to reconsider your methods for reduction in electrical energy use and implore you to restructure and rethink your goals and processes for environmental responsibility.

The world is moving toward significant responsibility when it comes to these issues and it seems the United States is falling behind. You, being a visionary for McDonalds, have the responsibility to push your company in the direction of moral and ethical accountability regarding energy consumption and environmental impact. With “a long-standing record of industry leadership in environmental conservation”, you have the opportunity to further this record by leading not only the industry but the country in a direction of accountability and duty.

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